Contact Us

Contact Us

Please use the contact form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, please use the live chat in the bottom right corner of this screen. We look forward to hearing from you!

Landline or Mobile - Please included your area code if you are based overseas from the UK.

Please use Whatsapp to send us a text in the first instance as we are in training and on different time zones and we will contact you asap. Whatsapp +12425248804 USA Office for prices & online course enquiries.

To chase orders please email – Please check the tracking information you have been sent by email to see updated information regarding your purchase before contacting us.

Please refer to our privacy policy which is also linked in the footer of this website – Here you will be able to see how we use your personal data and why.

Hydurage Limited UK Company number 10115864
UKRLP 10086277